Tuesday, 27 January 2015


A very short story - Fred Eerdekens
I started a new collaborative project with the 4th year Visual Communications students at Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) yesterday. Their project is called Visual Fiction and they are using short stories as a jumping-off point for work that will show how good design and typography can play an important part in the appreciation of literature.

The project is in collaboration with lit mag The Stinging Fly and editor/publisher Declan Meade and myself picked 10 stories for the thirty students to work from - everything from Guy de Maupassant to Claire Louise Bennett (whose short story collection Pond will be out in April from the Stinging Fly Press).

Yesterday the students received their brief, as well as the stories they will work from, and we spent the day exploring what short stories are and what they hope to achieve. And they wrote. A few brave types shared their writing and their work was great - as good as anything from wannabe writers. Art finds its way.

They were a warm bunch, as were their lecturers, and I am really looking forward to heading back to Limerick in a fortnight to see/hear about their ideas and plans for their projects. Having looked at some of the fantastic design work these students have already produced, I can't wait to see what they come up with - there is a feeling of anything might happen and probably will.


Emily said...

Oh, sounds very exciting! Looking forward to seeing what they come up with!

Group 8 said...

Me too. There may be a public element to the project later. Watch this space!