Thursday, 14 March 2013

POETRY DAILY - Chagall poem

I and the Village - Marc Chagall
My poem 'In Vitebsk There Lives a Cow' is the featured poem on Poetry Daily today. It is also in the current issue of Prairie Schooner. The poem is after the Chagall painting above.


P. M. Doolan said...

Congratulations. If you want to see the painting without having to travel to New York it is currently hanging in Zurich:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. The poem is lovely.

Group 8 said...

Thanks P.M. - I would love a trip to Zurich. It must be 25 yrs since I was last there.

Group 8 said...

Thank you MMM!!!

creativepalabras said...

What a lovely poem! alessia

Unknown said...

Such a lovely poem; reads like a lullaby, simple and restful.