I want to wish a Nollaig Shona (Happy Christmas!) to all of the people who drop by this blog and leave comments, as much as to those who drop by to read.
From regulars like Tania, Vanessa, Barbara, PJ, Peadar, Kate, Colm, Johanna, and Úna, to the more casual callers, may you all have a wonderful Christmas, and a creative and peaceful 2009.
Thanks for your interest and support. Watch this space for exciting news (well, exciting for me!) regarding my literary endeavours in 2009.
Nadolig llawen as well!
(Im a terrible cheat. I love these words and sounds... I wish I actually spoke Welsh.
Merry Christmas, Nuala. Cant WAIT to hear the news ;) !!
Hey V, It's great how similar the Welsh and Irish are!
Er, I think you may be one of the few who already knows...! But I think you know that. Nadolig llawen to you and yours. N x
merry christmas! i love this blog. thank you for writing it.
Merry christmas to you too.Your news sounds intriguing.I knew next year would be good for everyone, and it surely will be,trust me, I may well be a TFE but I know these things, I'm the seventh son of the sixth wife of a man who knew the brother-in-law of someone who predicted something once about something,I think.
Happy Christmas, and happy writing. Ooh, and exciting news? Sounds grand...
Happy hols to you too.
Nik X
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