Thursday 28 May 2009


It's great to hear that Chris Hamilton-Emery will be on Newsnight Review as part of the Salt (buy) Just One Book campaign.

See BBC2, Friday 29th May, 11pm. I just hope BBC2 decides to co-operate on our telly. It keeps disappearing, often mid-programme. Very annoying...

I can recommend some Salt books, btw. Ones I've read and really enjoyed include Vanessa Gebbie's Words from a Glass Bubble and Alex Keegan's Ballistics . Flash fiction fans need look no further than Tania Hershman's The White Road & other stories. Or you could always pre-order my forthcoming collection Nude here.


Vanessa Gebbie said...

Thank you so much for the mention, Nuala! It is great that Salt have been helped so much by spreading the word like this.

(Delay because I changed my Google passowrd, went away for a fortnight, and forgot it. I still can't remember it but have Firefox...)

Hugs to baby!

Group 8 said...

You are welcome, Missus. I love WFAGB, great stories.

I know re passwords - I have a half dozen of them and rarely get them 1st go. It'd drive you mad! Hope it comes back to you soon!

Baby is an angel, mostly, but I can do little but feed her and try to sleep. I'm accepting it and going with it.
N x