Wednesday, 8 July 2009


Munster Lit have made the transfer online with Southword and Issue 16 is available now here. In the editorial Patrick Cotter says: "The word as visual symbol is on the move again, this time from paper and ink to ether and binary code. Acid-free paper is potentially more durable than the internet and one risks the possibility that future generations will learn more about us from our books than from our internet traces. Yet the new technology has its advantages in the here and now."

The magazine looks clean and clear, like the print edition always did & is full of interesting work. I have a Paris-inspired poem here in the issue. Not that I'm saying my poem is spectacularly interesting...though it is to me...oh, just go and read the issue. And submit poems only until September. Subs guides on the site.


Totalfeckineejit said...

Flaneuse? Pardon mon francaise mais, female stroller, peut etre? Lovely poem WRW,(whatever is the plural of) chapeu, off to ye :)

Group 8 said...

Oui, oui! You have it in one.
Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Eejit Totale.

Sarah Hilary said...

Congratulations on the poem, Nuala. I especially liked the powdered and iced lady-cakes.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the poem, it looks very well in print now - better, if I may say so than oh, was it March..?

Group 8 said...

Thanks Sarah :)
And thank you, B - especially for the bleu-blanc-rouge.

Group 8 said...

By way of a p.s.

Southword PAYS!

Pete Goulding said...

The link to their submissions guidelines appears to be down at the moment. Not that I'm quite in that league.
Loved the poem, particularly the Pompidou stanza