Friday, 25 September 2009


The Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award 2009
Closing date for entries extended to Wednesday, 7th October 2009

The Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award for a first unpublished collection of poems in English is open to poets, born in the island of Ireland, or of Irish nationality, or long term resident in Ireland. The award is now in its 38th year. Previous winners include Eileán Ni Chuilleanáin, Paul Durcan, Thomas McCarthy, Peter Sirr, Sinead Morrissey, Conor O’Callaghan, Celia de Freine and Joseph Woods.

The winner of this year’s award will receive €1,000.
Certificates will be awarded for 2nd and 3rd place.

Closing date for entries has been extended to Wednesday 7th October 2009. The Award will be presented on the evening of the 27th November at the opening of the Annual Patrick Kavanagh Weekend in Inniskeen.

Website here for more.


Totalfeckineejit said...

They're obviously waiting for my entry this year, but it's too late, they had their chance. Hell hath no fury like a poet scorned!

Group 8 said...

Freak them out - send it in anyway! Or use a pseudonym. And good luck. It's yours - I feel it in my bones...

Pete Goulding said...

I hate it when they extend the deadline AFTER you've sent your entry in. I imagine them saying, well, we've not had much in worthwhile so far...

Group 8 said...

P - hmmm, I'd say it's more that they want *more* entries. Doubt if they've started reading yet. Comforted!?

Ethel Rohan said...

I just read your interview over at Sara Crowley's blog. Congratulations on that, on NUDE, and on your forthcoming novel. Celebrate!

Group 8 said...

Thanks a million, Ethel. I am awed by my good fortune this year. Somebody's looking out for me!

Michael Farry said...

I agree with Peter. After rushing to decide what I'll tempt them with this year - what about a long poem in twenty sections or will I just feck in the usual lot - they extend the deadline.

Legally this could be said to be setting a precedent so that if they don't extend next year and I send in late I have a case to take to the district, high, supreme, European court.

Group 8 said...

Best of luck with it, Michael. I like the sound of the long poem in 20 sections. Unusual.

Emerging Writer said...

Well I wish they'd said that on thursday and then I wouldn't have posted my entry express...Did you know A4 envelopes travel slower than half size envelopes so you can't be sure they'll be there the next day.

Michael Farry said...

Thanks. Actually one poem in 15 parts and another in 5.

Group 8 said...

EW - I didn't know that but it makes 'sense' (?). Did you know that letters from Galway to Dublin get there the next day always but letters from Dublin to Galway rarely arrive the next day. Fascinating only to me perhaps...

Michael - I'm in awe of poets with long poems. In awer of sequence writers. Knock 'em dead!

Unknown said...

Does anybody know when the shortlist/longlist for the Kavanagh prize will be announced?



Group 8 said...

Hi Trevor
I have no idea but I'm sure the admin would answer an email query on that: