Today, I'm in Bristol, England where Tania is attempting to acclimatise to the wet after years living in Jerusalem. Yes, my friend, fellow Salt author, blogger and editor of the super Short Review Tania Hershman, invited me round for a chat about Nude today. See her blog HERE for Stop 2 on my virtual tour.
I have already been to Bristol to check out todays interview, another fantastic insight. As mentioned over there I am desperate to read Nude at this point, can't wait for the launch as I thought I would.
I love that snippet from Unmothered - just being in the bath you describe SO well. You make the ordinary extraordinary Nuala, and poetic, I love that.
Aaaaawww, you so sweet. Thank you!
Another great interview Nu. I’ve always thought that your style was apparent in your work and I think your abilities as a confident fiction writer shines through.
Your advice on keeping your writing to yourself until you feel its ready is a rock of sense. I will keep that on my own notice board!
Lovely interview, Nuala! It was great to have you here in Bristol, so to speak. And I really liked your note about the stories being a secret. Quite right. I've had novels messed about with exactly the way you describe because I let people into the story before it was ready. Much better to forge ahead on one's own and then spring the story fresh on the world. Congratulations again on the new collection which I'm looking forward to reading very much.
Thanks K!
Thanks Sarah - yes, better to work away by yourself. It's your work. Then, maybe, a good editor can help. That's how I prefer it, anyway!
Fab interview! But I read about you writing from a child's POV, and what with the drowning and the water, and now I'm starting to worry that you've already written everything I've written and that now I'll never get published, because you're already here! And so bloody brilliant to boot!
Rachel - I know that feeling. I read 2 novels in recent years that bore similarities to mine and I nearly dropped. BUT, as we all know, we are each unique in our approaches so there's nothing to worry about really. Great minds think alike!!
Great interview, N - looking forward to your visit to mine soon!
Thanks B - looking forward to it too! N x
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