Today on my virtual tour, I am in the company of the beautiul and megawatt-talented writer Petina Gappah in Geneva, Switzerland. Petina is from Zimbabwe and her collection An Elegy for Easterly was recently shortlisted for the Frank O'Connor Award. We talk about lots of stuff: writing with a family, ideal dinner party writer-guests and, of course, short stories.
Petina is giving away 2 signed copies of Nude to readers of the blog. Head on over to win one and read our chat here.
Enjoyed the questions and the answers. I'd always thought Henry James would actually be very quiet. He'd watch everything like a hawk, though.
Thanks for naming me as an ideal dinner guest - the token straight man in the mix! ;)
Another great interview! Loved your choice of short fiction writers to recommend, oh! and your wonderful guests for the dinner party ;-)
B - he goes on so much in his books I presumed he would be long-winded and boring...
Pat - wouldn't it be fun, though?
Kar - you can come, no problem!!
Great questions weren't they?? I have noted the list of writers. I want an invite to the dinner party & yeah, that Truman Capote seemed like a right bitch!
Una - of course, the more the merrier!
Yes, in the film of In Cold Blood Truman C was a total cow to Harper Lee and she was his friend!
How could anyone be mean to Harper Lee? :( Nasty TC! But poor Henry, I'd keep him amused, stop him from boring the other guests, I'd put a little witty firecracker up his stuffed shirt!
Great dinner guests, great interview and, of course, great writing!
Looking forward to the next stop off on the tour!
Hee hee Rachel - you'd be a great addition to the line-up at dinner!
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