Wednesday 27 October 2010


50 Stories for Pakistan - a book of flash fiction conceived and put together by Greg McQueen - is now available to buy here. It costs €12.55, including postage. All proceeds go to the Red Cross for their work in Pakistan. I have a story in the book and am looking forward to reading my fellow 49 writers' stories.

This is from the site:

"Look at the image on the cover of this book.
A man and a boy knee-deep in water. Father and son? Uncle and nephew? Teacher and pupil? Or perhaps just a kid, lost, tagging on to an adult in the hope that he will be taken somewhere safe, dry?

They are wading away from the light into the darkness and gloom. The unknown. Fear. Hunger. Disease. But they are also wading towards you. They can’t ask for your help. You must choose to give it.

A simple way of doing that is to buy this book. Proceeds go to helping the victims of the Pakistan floods.
Now please take one more look at the cover. And remember, they can't ask..."


Ruchira Mandal said...

Hope people actually buys this book.

Group 8 said...

Here's hoping, Ruchiraa!