Monday, 3 January 2011


2010 was a momentous if somewhat trying year for me: there was divorce and remarriage; lots of travel; my novel You coming out and all that goes with that; cars stolen and in permanent crisis; the house both cluttered and falling apart; a lot of time on my own with the 3 kids.

I'm hoping for more clarity in 2011 - to feel more on top of things, especially my writing. I have been wondering why I feel so fuzzy all the time and have come to the (rather obvious) conclusion that it's nappy brain. When you have a baby in nappies, life is insanely busy and distracted. Time compresses into a blob of doing lots for others - there's no such thing as spare time. So I have written less and blogged less but I'm not unhappy about what I've achieved. I just long to be doing more.

I have 10 hours a week to write. I have to use some of that for work on the CW students who I supervise in their novel writing. I love that and it pays, but it means I write less. Somehow (how?) I need to use all of the rest of my time for my own new novel. I want to get so stuck into it that it haunts me. That's my Big Hope for this year: to get this new novel done in a way that even semi pleases me. That, and to earn more money.

Pleasingly there's an expanded edition of my second short story collection To The World of Men, Welcome due out in April from the inimitable Arlen House. I have a poetry collection, The Juno Charm, due out with Salmon in November too. So it will be another busy year. I LOVE busy, but mostly I hope and wish to be busily distracted with the novel.

Happy new year, all! I hope whatever you are wishin' and hopin' for comes true.


Pete Goulding said...

Hi Nuala, you certainly are living in momentous times, May it long continue. Happy New Year to you and yours.

Ev said...

Nappy brain. Love it - I was always convinced that the thinking outside the everyday part of my brain was removed with the placenta and rebuilt itself over a three year period! Maybe it is Nature's way of contenting us with running after a nappied one. I'm back to work fulltime later this month and so my writing time will be drastically reduced. However I think I'll ensure it is quality writing time. I do tend to ramble on ad nauseum and end of discarding 75% of it. Best of luck with all you do this year Nuala and a kiss to Juno from me!PS Has Malcolm Bray cancelled the comp you were to judge?

Group 8 said...

Peter - thank you! Many happy returns. N x

Group 8 said...

Ev - yes, it'll probably take until she's 3. Sigh.
Good luck with rearranging your writing schedule. It's tough but I hope it works out great for you.
I judged 2 rounds of Twisted Tails but it has now been cancelled due to lack of entries.

Vanessa Gebbie said...

Hello there

and loads of warm wishes for a great 2011 are winging your way. Enjoy Juno while she's little - before you know it she will be off on her travels, forgetting to call to let you know she's OK... as my 18yr old 'baby' is now!



Group 8 said...

Hi V
Happy new year to you too.
My eldest is 17 so I know how quick they can grow. Doesn't stop me from wanting to write more though ;)
Best for 2011
N x

Rachel Fenton said...

I just exchanged nappy brain for poop patrol - I empathise with the fuzzy headedness! Somedays just pass in a dust storm with thisgs i wanted to do being like grit in my eyes. I wish you more time but mostly that it is clarity time. x

Group 8 said...

It's just hard when they are little, isn't it, Rae? I'm not wishing their lives away, I'm just wishing for MORE for me. There are so many hours in the week but I can only afford childcare for 10 of them. I just have to use those precious 10 extremely wisely. We will soldier on!