Saturday, 12 November 2011


The Parrish Lantern blog, based in the UK, has done a glowing review of my short story collection Nude. One of the joys of blogging is making connections with other literary bloggers and lately that has been happening a lot. Is there a return to blogging? An upsurge brought on by the recession, similar to the renewed interest in crafts and baking? I hope so :) I certainly know that blogging has been good to me over the last four years and more.

My thanks to the people behind The Parrish Lantern. I will be dropping by their blog in late December for the final stop on my virtual tour for The Juno Charm.


Rachel Fenton said...

Brilliant review! xx

Group 8 said...

Parrish - thanks again :)

Group 8 said...

Rachel - ta muchly, girleen.