Friday, 26 October 2012


I have a new short short (flash) in the October issue of New Zealand based lit mag Flash Frontier. This is an international issue and the theme is Flight. I am also interviewed there by editor and writer Michelle Elvy. She gives good interview - I was astonished by how much research she had done. We talk openings, titles, what it means to be an Irish writer, Plath, travel, symbols...

Other writers featured include Tania Hershman, Ken Pobo and the evocatively named Daphne de Jong. Wonderful art by Sheri L. Wright too.


Mari said...

I'll say you give a good interview. very informative. Lots covered. Great read. And the story! The whole message of getting in and getting out and making each word count - bliss!

Michelle Elvy said...

We were so pleased to have you in our interview series, and this one issue is packed with such goodness, beginning with your wonderful story. Thanks for the piece you contributed and the care you put into sharing your life and writing with us!