Monday, 22 October 2012


No 29 by Norman Stiff
As part of the Dublin UNESCO City of Lit Great Writing, Great Places events, join myself, Chris Binchy, Christine Dwyer Hickey and Claire Kilroy as we discuss the resurgence in interest in literary fiction and read from our work. The discussion will be followed by a tour of the house.

When: Wednesday 24th October @ 7pm

Where: Number 29, Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2


rozz lewis said...

Great. Your blog has so much great content. Would you consider an RSS feed that your readers can subscribe to? that way, i would be alerted everytime you have posted. Sometimes, I don't look at your blog everytime you blog so I miss out on events!
you are in Stradbally in November?

Group 8 said...

Hi Rozz, if you scroll down to the bottom right there is a place where you can follow this blog. That way you get notifications of updates. Hth. Nuala x

Group 8 said...

Yes, Stradbally on the 10th November.