Saturday, 18 May 2013


Update re. flash showcase in The Stinging Fly: Submissions for the showcase (stories up to 500 words, only one story to be submitted per writer) will be accepted by e-mail only and on one day only: Saturday June 22nd, which is international flash fiction day. The Fly will give further instructions on how to make your submission closer to the time. Keep up to date here.


Valerie O'Riordan said...

Hi Nuala! Just a quick query: I know the Stinging Fly usually allows somebody to submit only one piece per issue, and I was wondering if whether then submitting to the flash section this time means you (well, me!) can't also submit a longer story? Cheers! Valerie

Group 8 said...

Oooh, I will ask, Valerie and get back to you.

Valerie O'Riordan said...

Trust me to complicate it all up! ;-)

Group 8 said...

I've passed on your query to Fly Towers. Awaiting their response!

Group 8 said...

Hi Valerie,
Update from the Stinging Fly:
'Writers may submit a story for the flash fiction showcase and submit a second longer story by post.'

Valerie O'Riordan said...

Thanks, Nuala, good to know!