Tuesday, 14 July 2015


It's publication day today for Miss Emily. It's mad to think I signed the contract eighteen months ago with Penguin (having finished writing the book two years ago) and here it is today, finally released into the world (or part of it, at least!). The audio book also appears today, for those who prefer to listen rather than read.

Audio book of Miss Emily
The pre-publicity in North America has been enormous and heartening. And my webmaster has fashioned a Miss Emily page on my website to report on some of it. (Watch out also for the novel's UK/Irl release from Sandstone on 20th August.)

In the meantime my lovely team at Penguin sent me flowers and my webmaster/husband gave me my fave champagne (and brekkie in bed). Spoilt, happy excited woman here!

To celebrate I am doing a Miss Emily giveaway with various prizes: a copy of the US edition of the book, a St Brigid's cross (features in the book), an Emily Dickinson fridge magnet, Emily cards etc. I will have three separate draws and you'll win what you win. Just leave a comment to enter. Simple as :)


Aoife.Troxel said...

Congratulations on the publication!

magsimags said...

Very much looking forward to reading this book. Delighted to see your success, Nuala. Put me in for the draw!

Laura said...

Happy book birthday! Hope it continues as well as it started!!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read Miss Emily. It is just "my kind" of book!

Group 8 said...

Thanks, Aoife :)

Group 8 said...

Thanks so much, ladies. You are each in the draw. Good luck!!

Unknown said...

I've been intrigued by Emily Dickinson for years. So excited by the chance to "read" her through the voice of another almost "invisible" woman. Can't wait!

Group 8 said...

Your name is in the hat, Sheelagh.

Unknown said...

Congrats Nuala - enjoy it all !!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nuala, very exciting times!

Jennifer Tar Heel Reader said...

Happy Pub Day, Nuala! I am so excited about your book!

Group 8 said...

Thanks, everyone. Each of you will be entered, never fear :) I'll leave it for a few days. Come back to see who the winners are on Saturday. Nuala x

Says Who said...

Happy Publication Day! Well done. Can't wait to read it.

Jenn said...

Can't wait to read this book!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading your latest book! Thanks for sharing with your readers!

Susan T. said...

Happy Book Birthday! I'm quite excited for this book since I'm a huge fan of historical fiction, especially about women. All the book bloggers have been raving about it so I know it's good!

dan powell said...

Congratulations on the publication of Miss Emily. Has it really been that long since you posted about it being snapped up by Penguin USA. Hope the day and the rest of the publication process are as brilliant as you deserve them to be.

Group 8 said...

Thanks so much, Dan. Yes, it was January last year. The champers is flowing now!

Lisa D, said...

Congratulations Nuala and what a great review in the Washington Post. Well done x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nuala. Looking forward to reading Miss Emily soon.

Group 8 said...

See my latest post fordraw results. Congrats, Kathy, Sarah and Susan!

scatteredleaves said...

Congratulations, I will be sure to read it.

Group 8 said...

Thanks a million!

Emily said...

Oh Nuala, congratulations!! The start of really extraordinary things, well done! So looking forward to reading it xxxxxxxx

Amy said...

oh this would be lovely :D fabulous.

Group 8 said...

Kathy and Sarah, would love to hear from you so you can claim your prizes!!