Wednesday, 12 July 2017


The incomparably shiny Claire Hennessy interviews me here on stop four of my virtual tour. We talk about my use of my birth name, stories vs novels and more.

'There was a shit-storm on Twitter when I reverted to my birth name, from a bunch of Irish writers whom I shall not identify. Betrayal of identity, blah-fucking-blah. These people don’t even know me; they’d be better off writing books rather than bitching about what I do, imo…'


Donna OShaughnessy said...

What an excellent interview. Loved her questions and your responses. I too struggle with hysterical time, always rushing to the next thing, but working harder as I age, to be in the moment. And, so silly that you'd be criticized about what name YOU want to have on YOUR books. For several of his novels Stephen King went by Richard Bachman and no one said a thing. Why should they? The work should speak for itself. Absolutely loved "Joyride to Jupiter" by the way. Telling all my American buds about it.

Group 8 said...

Thanks so much for reading, Donna, and for your comment. Yeah, it's a funny one about my name. Some people seemingly have nothing better to do bar bang on about other writers. Green-eyed monsters aired in public are not attractive :)