Sunday, 16 June 2013


Nora Barnacle House, Bowling Green, Galway
Happy Bloomsday! It's a day I love. I'm sad that the Nora Barnacle House in Galway no longer opens on this day every year: time was when a great party with readings from Ulysses took place there each Bloomsday.

I contented myself with raising a toast to James Joyce at dinner and, of course, I had a fabulous night at the Irish Writers' Centre on Friday with readings and music from all the writers featured in A Telmetale Bloomnibus - an anthology that reimagines the book for the 21st century. It is available now on Kindle for stg £1.99.

Thanks to Clodagh Moynan and June Caldwell at the IWC for a great night based around an innovative idea.

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