Saturday, 1 June 2013


I am at an Irish Studies Conference in beautiful Cácares in Spain at the mo but wanted to let you know that today is the day you can start subbing your stories for The Stinging Fly issue I am editing (Spring 2014). See below for all the details from Fly HQ. I cannot WAIT to read your work!!

Note: Stories for the special flash fiction showcase are only being accepted on one day: 22nd June, which is International Flash Fiction Day.

Note on June 2013 submissions from The Stinging Fly:

Submissions received during June will be read for our Spring 2014 issue.
Nuala Ní Chonchúir is the guest fiction editor for this issue. Read our announcement and what Nuala is looking for here.
As part of her guest editorship Nuala will include a flash fiction showcase. Submissions for the showcase (stories up to 500 words, only one story to be submitted per writer) will be accepted by e-mail only and on one day only: Saturday June 22nd, which is international flash fiction day. We will give further instructions on how to make your submission closer to the time.
All other submissions — poetry, short stories — must be submitted by post in the usual way, following the guidelines below. Please read them.
Writers may submit a story for the flash fiction showcase and submit a second longer story by post.

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We publish new, previously unpublished work by Irish and international writers. We have a particular interest in promoting the short story. Each issue also includes a mix of poetry, book reviews and essays, alongside occasional author interviews and novel extracts. We welcome submissions of poetry and prose in translation.
Work submitted should ideally not be under consideration elsewhere.
During 2013 The Stinging Fly will accept submissions in February, June and October. We will effectively, from now on, be working two issues in advance. Submissions received in February 2013 will be considered for our October issue (Winter 2013–14); June 2013 submissions will be read for our Spring 2014 issue; October 2013 submissions will be read for our Summer 2014 issue.
The postal address for submissions is: The Stinging Fly, PO Box 6016, Dublin 1, Ireland. We do not accept e-mail submissions.
Each submission should include an e-mail address for reply.
All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter, which should include:
    * Author’s Name                         * E-mail address and postal address
    * Date of Submission                   * Name of story/poems submitted
    * Brief biographical note, if you wish.

Anyone submitting fiction and poetry should include a separate cover letter with each. All fiction submissions should be printed using 1.5 or double line spacing. Minimum font size: 11pt. Print on one side of the page only. Every piece of work should have the author’s name printed or signed on it.
* No more than one story and/or four poems should be submitted during any one submission period.
* Short stories and poems should always be just as long (or as short) as they need to be. (In our Winter 2012-13 issue the longest story is over 5,000 words; the shortest has less than 600.)
* All submissions are read. The editors’ decision may not be correct but it is final. Allow up to three months (from the end of month in which you submit) for a response to your submission - we will try to respond to everyone (yes or no) within that time.
* With a limited budget, we are only in a position to offer contributors a discretionary token payment. They also receive two copies of the issue in which their work is featured and can order further copies at a discounted rate.
* Copyright remains in all cases with the author. Some work published in the magazine may also be included on our website.
Our Featured Poets
In each issue we publish a number of poems by a poet who is working towards a first collection. In 2013 we will only accept submissions for the Featured Poet slot during the February submission period. To be considered, please send us 6-10 previously unpublished poems. If we want to see more, we will get back to you. If submittng for this slot, do not make a separate poetry submission.
Is í ‘Comhchealg’ cuid Ghaeilge The Stinging Fly. Cuirtear fáilte roimh phíosaí Gaeilge ó scríbhneoirí úra. Is nós linn aistriúcháin Bhéarla a chur ar fáil i gcás na ndánta a roghnaítear. Chuige sin, déanaimid filí Béarla a chur ag obair ar shaothar a gcomhúdar. Leantar na treoirlínte iarratais thuas a bhaineann le filíocht Bhéarla.

Contact Details
The Stinging Fly
PO Box 6016
Dublin 1

stingingfly AT gmail dot com

1 comment:

Harry said...

Nice blog. Added to me blogroll.

