Friday, 27 June 2014


Six of the nine writers at Palmerstown Festival. Me yapping. What's new?!
I've been awol in Dublin, at the Palmerstown Festival (reading) and also at the IWC attending the latest Mindshift professional development meeting (highly recommended to published authors) and an info session on the Lit Bursaries with the Arts Council - v interesting. It seems the most important pieces of your applic is the 500 word proposal and the unpublished 10 page sample of work. It was enlightening to hear from the horse's mouth, Literature Officer Sarah Bannan, what constitutes a good application.

I also went to Dún Laoghaire and met my new accountant (yay - I finally need an accountant!) and I posted off the contracts for the film option on Miss Emily. That, I can tell you, has me dreaming :)

Anyway, this lovely issue of The Moth arrived this morning. I have a flash story in it inspired by a trip to Massachusetts last year. There is still time to enter the magazine's International Short Story comp. 30th June closing date. €3k first prize. Go here.

And this arrived too - the Fuchsia MacAree designed summer Stinging Fly. Ain't it purty? Part two of my Flash Fiction Showcase is featured with stories from lovely writers such as Paul McVeigh, Danielle McLaughlin, Alison Fisher and Ian Shine. Lovely summery reading for all.


Anonymous said...

You sold the film rights?! Amazing! :) I think Amy Adams would make a good Emily ...

Group 8 said...

Yup. Amy would be good but too young. Emily is 36 at the time of the action.