Monday, 7 July 2014


We stopped for noodles in Navan
I really should NOT be here blogging (waaaaaaaaaaaay too busy). I am disgracefully busy, in fact. I'm doing my proofs for Penguin (boy, they go deep with edits! It's marvelous.) I head to Cork tomorrow to teach a 2 day class on social media for writers. Head to Dublin Saturday to be near the airport for flying to Vienna on Sunday for the International Conference on the Short Story. Pure madness.

Dexter - one of the Bleach House dogs. The others moved too fast to photograph.
I had a great time on Saturday at the Bleach House Library Book Club. They invited me to talk about The Closet of Savage Mementos and I got to stay in this 1800s house owned by the beautiful, energetic, force-of-nature that is Margaret Bonass Madden. I have never slept in a library, surrounded by books, before. Margaret and her ladies (and family) welcomed me with laughs and chats and general loveliness. They liked the book (mostly) and we had a good natter about the nature of motherhood, adoption and PND. We ate, we drank, we giggled. A wonderful experience from start to finish. I now want to own an enormous house and fill it full of dogs, people and books. Well, I always wanted that, minus the dogs, but Dexter reminded me so much of my childhood pet, Dinny - an Irish Setter - that I am converted back to dogs. Miracles do happen :)


Kar said...

I want to see a photo of that bedroom and house!

It sounds like a wonderful trip.

Dexter is gorgeous, dare I ask does he shed?

Group 8 said...

Click where it says 'this 1800s house' & it takes you to pics, Kar. I'm guessing Dex, sheds but he is so beautiful just like my Dinny of old.

Emily said...

The link isn't working (I'll check back later) as I too want to see that room!! Sounds like a rather perfect trip :)

Group 8 said...

I fixed the link. Duh, I had the wrong one in. It should work for you now, girls.

Group 8 said...

Hi Ems!!! Great blogpost from you today. You inspire the bejaysus out of me, girl.

Unknown said...

That sounds gorgeous - and more to come with the wonderful Vienna! Enjoy and good luck in Cork. xx

Group 8 said...

It *was* gorgeous, Shauna. I'm in Cork now, having an early night to be fresh for my students tomorrow. Saint-style!!