Friday, 1 August 2014


#amwriting so therefore not blogging much. Thank the stars. With all the edits and trips lately I was starting to wonder if I would ever have the time or headspace to write again. I am at that lovely madly-excited-by-the-research stage. Glued to my desk. I had a chat with my agent about the two projects I had in mind and she favoured one over the other (for now) so I am happily re-ensconced in the 19th Century.

I will have to unstick myself from my desk for next week's trip to Massachusetts (the hardship!) My first meeting of the Emily Dickinson International Society which, coincidentally, takes place in Emily's homeplace, Amherst. It will be great to be back there again - I loved it last year when I went over for final research. Can't wait! I plan to use all the long boring airport and aeroplane hours for research on Novel #4. (Mind you, it is much more likely that I will listen to my new First Aid Kit album and watch several films back-to-back on the flights...)

If I don't get back here in the meantime, see you on the other side. Happy writing!


Donna OShaughnessy said...

Last year I did the opposite, came back to Ireland (Doolin) to finish my novel. Also planned to write on the plane but dang other people, my family, kept talking to me! But I ditched them at the cottage we were renting. They went sightseeing while I sat alone in O'Connors pub scribbling away. Enjoy Massachusetts!

Group 8 said...

I'm going alone but the danger is in-flight yappers. I have to do my best to avoid them ;)
Thanks for the comment, Donna.