Monday, 29 March 2010


This is the latest from Salt:

"29 March 2010: We are now accepting proposals for poetry collections: we are particularly interested in developing our US list. We are currently accepting poetry proposals for 2010–2011."

I'm not sure why the emphasis on US titles or what it means for writers of other nationalities, but if they are open, they are open. Send your MS soon, I'd say.

More detail here.


Pete Goulding said...

I dunno, Nuala. They weren't interested in my manuscript in the Autumn and now they're focussing on the American market, so I think I may hold onto my €20!

Jane Holland said...

It's unfair to assume from that rather brief press release that Salt is 'focussing' on the US market; they're not, they're simply interested in acquiring more US writers.


Pete Goulding said...

Wasn't it €20 for the Crashaw Prize last Autumn?
Okay, fair point about the US market, Jane, but if they weren't interested in me 4 months ago, they're hardly likely to have had a sea change in the meantime...

Unknown said...

If you're not in, you can't win...

Jane Holland said...

But Peter, the fee you mention is only for people with debuts wishing to enter for the Crashaw Prize. The call for submissions being discussed here is a general one, and is completely free. There are no reading fees at Salt, that should be made clear in case of misunderstandings. There are only fees at Salt for entering competitions, as is usual with most poetry competitions.

You're right though; no point resubmitting if you've already been unsuccessful, unless the ms is substantially different. But that's just common sense.

Pete Goulding said...

In the immortal words of Fr. Maguire, I stand corrected.