Monday, 25 July 2011


Writer Adam Marek - pic by Andy Hay
Southword 20, the journal of the Munster Literature Centre, is now online. I have a poem in it here. There are also poems by Paula Meehan, Theo Dorgan and Sinéad Morrissey, to name a few. There are stories from Mary O'Donnell and Adam Marek, among others.

A new feature of the journal is that anyone who has contributed to Southword in the past, or has had previously had work reviewed in it, has a ‘Contributor's Index Page’. You can find this by clicking on your name in the 'Southword Contributors' drop-down menu at the top of the page. From there you should be able to access all of your work across multiple issues of Southword. Neat!


Pete Goulding said...

Jaysus, Nuala, where are you going with your "multiple issues"??
Difficult enough to get anywhere near Southword with all the big guns...

Group 8 said...

I just submit work, same as anyone else Peter :)

Pete Goulding said...

I know, missus, but you're an established poet and a bloody good one. The 'multiple issues' applies.
I know of a number of really good poets, much better than me, that have never got into Southword and would in fact regard it as a major coup to even get into one issue!:)

Group 8 said...

I've been in two online and they reviewed Nude too.
I was in it in hard copy too, if memory serves, with a story.
It's an odd one, because they rotate editors so it's not like there is a filtering committee/one person's taste. Each ed reads all the work.
Anyway there are mags I have not cracked and still hope to :) Onwards!

Rachel Fenton said...

Southword's on my mish list! Got a couple of NZ journals on that list, too, and then it's Blighty - onwards!

Congrats with the publication, Nu - off to read you now, missus.

Máire T. Robinson said...

Nice! Congrats on the poem, Nuala. Looking forward to reading the issue :)

Group 8 said...

Best of luck with the mission, Rae!

Cheers, Máíre.